APRIL 6, 2004

Schumacher launches road safety campaign

Michael Schumacher flew to Dublin on Tuesday to support the launch of Europe's Road Safety Charter on the eve of the first global day of action on road safety - which this year coincides with World Health Day.

Michael Schumacher, Bahrain GP 2004
© The Cahier Archive

Michael Schumacher flew to Dublin on Tuesday to support the launch of Europe's Road Safety Charter on the eve of the first global day of action on road safety - which this year coincides with World Health Day. The charter calls on European governments to make a measurable commitment to improve road safety and reduce road deaths by 50% by the year 2010. The road safety campaigns to date have already reduced deaths by 50% in the last 30 years but 40,000 still die each year on the roads of Europe. FIA President Max Mosley is calling for a dedicated Road Safety Commissioner to concentrate on the job

"Most road deaths are preventable," Mosley said. "Thousands of people are being killed unnecessarily and we must have the political will to stop it."