FEBRUARY 3, 2004

Mosley will stand again

Max Mosley has confirmed that he intends to stand for another term of office as FIA President when the next election comes in October 2005. The 63-year-old has been FIA President since 1993 and prior to that spent two years running the FISA, the FIA's sporting subsidiary, until that organisation was merged into the FIA.

Max Mosley has confirmed that he intends to stand for another term of office as FIA President when the next election comes in October 2005. The 63-year-old has been FIA President since 1993 and prior to that spent two years running the FISA, the FIA's sporting subsidiary, until that organisation was merged into the FIA. If elected Mosley would be 69 by the time the next election comes in October 2009. This would not be unusual as his predecessor Jean-Marie Balestre was 72 when he stood down as FIA President in 1993.

"It is early days," said Mosley, "but health and sanity permitting I will stand again."