SEPTEMBER 12, 2001

Mosley will have no opposition

MAX MOSLEY will be re-elected FIA President at the forthcoming FIA General Assembly.

MAX MOSLEY will be re-elected FIA President at the forthcoming FIA General Assembly. We understand that no candidates have been entered against him, ensuring that the 61-year-old will get another four-year term in charge of the organization.

But, we have heard that there were plans for a challenge to Mosley's position but that they were called off a few weeks ago. According to our sources Belgium's John Goossens, father of racer Marc Goossens and a leading member of the Royal Automobile Club of Belgium, did consider standing against Mosley but then decided to wait.

Much of the discontent within the FIA comes as a result of the money which Mosley raised from the long-term lease of the commercial rights to F1 not being put back into the sport. There is considerable annoyance that the FIA Foundation will be spending the money on road safety and other research programs and not on investment to improve racing circuits and other competition-linked issues. This is a fair argument. There is also annoyance that Mosley did not get more money for the 100-year deal.

What the rebels have failed to understand is that similar deals can be struck with other championships in the future, notably the World Rally Championship and any World Oval Racing series which is developed.

It is possible that Goossens decided not to make his move because he was given assurances that when Mosley retires in October 2005 he will get the support necessary to take over the job without the FIA being damaged by an internal fight this year. This is possible. Other candidates which have been suggested, such as Monaco's Michel Boeri, do not have much credibility as they have been outmaneuvered in the course of the last 10 years by Mosley. Boeri was supposed to be Jean-Marie Balestre's chosen successor at the FIA a decade ago but he has made little impact since Mosley took over.