MARCH 3, 2005


Max Mosley's lengthy discourse with himself is unlikely to make any impression on the Formula 1 teams and their views about the FIA President - but that is not what it was designed to do.

Max Mosley, Japanese GP 2004
© The Cahier Archive

Max Mosley's lengthy discourse with himself is unlikely to make any impression on the Formula 1 teams and their views about the FIA President - but that is not what it was designed to do. One can only assume that the document is an attempt to brighten up the FIA's somewhat tarnished image after the recent months of political wrangling and attacks from both sides. The overall attitude in the Formula 1 Media Centre is one of total boredom with the entire debate but probably Mosley's words will go down well in the far-flung corners of the FIA empire, which may be what was intended, given that there is an FIA presidential election coming up later this year.