DECEMBER 21, 2004

Pizzaman delivers

Antonio Pizzonia, the favourite for the second seat at BMW Williams in 2005, has become a father for the first time. His girlfriend, the international long jumping star Maurren Maggi gave birth today to a daughter, named Sofia, in Jungle Boy's home town of Manaus, in the middle of the Amazon jungle.

Antonio Pizzonia, the favourite for the second seat at BMW Williams in 2005, has become a father for the first time. His girlfriend, the international long jumping star Maurren Maggi gave birth today to a daughter, named Sofia, in Jungle Boy's home town of Manaus, in the middle of the Amazon jungle. The two met in Monaco where each was based as they followed their respective sports. Maggi is Brazil's best known athlete and is one of only a handful of women who has jumped more than seven metres in competition. She was for a time world number one long jumper and won a gold medal at the Pan American Game in 1999.