DECEMBER 16, 2004

A1 ups Lola order to 50 cars

The A1 Grand Prix race series is doing better than expected and has increased its order for chassis from Lola Cars International from 30 to 50. The A1 organizers say that this is the largest single racing car order in the history of motorsport.

Ralph Firman, A1 Jerez test

The A1 Grand Prix race series is doing better than expected and has increased its order for chassis from Lola Cars International from 30 to 50. The A1 organizers say that this is the largest single racing car order in the history of motorsport.

"We created a concept a sound business model and a dream. This has today turned into a reality and has surpassed all of my expectations," said His Highness Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Maktoum Al Maktoum, the founder of A1. "We already have 13 countries signed up and we are negotiating with a further 19."