NOVEMBER 4, 2005
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control hits 100
There are now 100 countries which have ratified the World Health Organisation's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the international anti-tobacco treaty which binds its signatories to get rid of tobacco advertising.
There are now 100 countries which have ratified the World Health Organisation's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the international anti-tobacco treaty which binds its signatories to get rid of tobacco advertising. In total 168 countries have signed the treaty but another 68 still need to ratify the treaty. There has been a rush of activity in the last month with Azerbaijan, Belgium, Benin Brazil, Azerbaijan, Cape Verde, China, Cyprus, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Mauretania, Nigeria, Rwanda and Sudan all signing up.
Of the countries with F1 races there are now 14 (Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Malaysia, San Marino, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom) which have ratified the treaty. Italy is complying but has yet to formally ratify the treaty.
In theory therefore the only places where tobacco advertising should be seen on the cars are Bahrain, Indianapolis and Monaco. However a number of countries have signed deals to allow tobacco (notably China and Hungary) despite the treaty.
The United States has signed the treaty but has yet to ratify while Bahrain and Monaco are both WHO members but have yet to sign the treaty.