JUNE 1, 1998
The Formula 1 movie...
SYLVESTER STALLONE and a party of Hollywood movers and shakers were present in Monaco to see how they are going to make a movie about Grand Prix racing.
According to Stallone the filming of the movie will begin later this year with the intention of the film being launched in the year 2000. Stallone confirmed that a script has been written and that he will star in the movie in the role of a retired racing driver. This perhaps explains why he was spending so much time with Gerhard Berger in the course of the Monaco weekend.
Stallone is currently working on several movies including one called Antz which is being made by StevenÊSpielberg'sÊDreamWorks SKG company. The most recent information from Los Angeles suggests that the Grand Prix movie will be produced by MCA/Universal - which is a sponsor of the Williams team and is owned by the Canadian drinks company Seagram. Seagram is controlled by the Bronfman Family in Canada, which has been linked with Jacques Villeneuve andÊCraigÊPollock.
The working title for Stallone's racing movie appears to be "Into Thin Air" and there have been suggestions in the USA that it will be directed by Lili Fini Zanuck, who has been involved in such hits as Mulholland Falls, Driving Miss Daisy and Cocoon.
The final details of the movie remain unclear but there is no doubt that the project is going ahead and could be finished by the end of 1999.