JUNE 28, 2006

Six still bidding for Dorna

Dorna, the Spanish company that owns MotoGP is up for sale as part of the deal for CVC Capital Partners to acquire the Formula One group. CVC previously owned Dorna but is required to sell it to satisfy European competition authorities that a monopoly is not being created.

Dorna, the Spanish company that owns MotoGP is up for sale as part of the deal for CVC Capital Partners to acquire the Formula One group. CVC previously owned Dorna but is required to sell it to satisfy European competition authorities that a monopoly is not being created. The deal is expected to raise around $500m for CVC. The six remaining bidders are all venture capitalists and include Permira, PAI, Advent, Apax Partners, Bridgepoint and Lion Capital. CVC paid an estimated $75m to buy control of the company back in 1998.