MARCH 3, 2007
Moves in Singapore
The word in Singapore is that there will soon be news that the island state will be included in the 2008 Formula 1 calendar, with a date either in April or August next year. There remains talk that this will be Formula 1's first night race.
The word in Singapore is that there will soon be news that the island state will be included in the 2008 Formula 1 calendar, with a date either in April or August next year. There remains talk that this will be Formula 1's first night race.
The first date makes a more sense at it could be twinned with another race in the region, possibly a second Japanese event or replacing Malaysia (or both). The August slot is less likely as it would mean the end of the road for Hungary or Turkey.
The weather in Singapore tends to be rather rainy but in April these showers tend to happen in the early evening. In August these can happen in the morning.
Local sources say that the race - which will be on a street track in the downtown area - already has a deal but it is now a question of nailing down the date. More information is epxected next week when the country's Committee of Supply debates the budget for the Ministry of Trade and Industry, which oversees tourism in the country.