FEBRUARY 5, 1996
More on the Senna inquiry
THE Italian authorities are denying that any decision has been made as to whether charges will be brought against members of the Williams team and the Imola organizers as a result of the accident which killed Ayrton Senna.
The Italians say that Bologna prosecutor Maurizo Passarini is now considering the technical report put together by chief investigator Professor Enrico Lorenzini from Bologna University's school of engineering.
Sources in Italy suggest that Frank Williams, Patrick Head, Senna's former race engineer David Brown (now with McLaren), his number one mechanic Robbie Campbell and mechanics Robert Tyers, Carl Gaden and Gary Woodward and Williams's tire man Steve Coates will all be involved. In addition, the Imola race director Giorgio Poggi and Federico Bendenelli, managing director of the SAGIS company - which promotes the San Marino GP - may also be charged.
Some rumors say that Passarini is asking for two-year prison sentences. There is the potential for back-room bargaining to reduce these to suspended sentences, but it is also possible that the team will not agree to plea-bargains, because a guilty verdict would have very serious repercussions with regard to Senna's family - which is believed to be considering taking legal action against the team - and because the team continues to believe that it was not at fault.
We understand that Williams has received a copy of Lorenzini's report and is strongly opposed to its findings. The team has not yet had the chance to examine the wreckage of the car.