DECEMBER 2, 2002

Minardi gets Cosworth deal...

Minardi has finally confirmed that it will be using Cosworth V10 engines in 2003. The team will have the third supply of the engines, which will be similar to those used by Arrows this year.

Minardi has finally confirmed that it will be using Cosworth V10 engines in 2003. The team will have the third supply of the engines, which will be similar to those used by Arrows this year. The news means that there is no capacity left for Arrows to have engines next year - and it is probably too late for Cosworth to create a situation in which a fourth supply could be cobbled together.

The engine will be a lot more powerful than the Asiatech V10 with which the team struggled this year. The downside is that the Cosworth engines cost around $15m while the Asiatechs were free.