AUGUST 23, 2003

Minardi and Abramovich

Stories are circulating that a deal has been struck between Paul Stoddart of Minardi and Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich for the purchase of the Minardi team. This however has come as news to Stoddart.

Paul Stoddart, Canadian GP 2003
© The Cahier Archive

Stories are circulating that a deal has been struck between Paul Stoddart of Minardi and Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich for the purchase of the Minardi team. This however has come as news to Stoddart who says that he knows nothing about any deal. The word is that Abramovich is interested in buying a team but there are no signs that any deal has yet been done although there is no doubt that any deal would probably be brokered by Bernie Ecclestone. We have also heard suggestions that Abramovich might buy into Jordan but once again these rumors seem to be pure speculation.