OCTOBER 10, 2002

Max has some fun

The suggestion that Formula 1 drivers should each drive for every team in the course of an F1 season is laughable - but it has provided the sport with a few more headlines as the leading players gear up for a major meeting

The suggestion that Formula 1 drivers should each drive for every team in the course of an F1 season is laughable - but it has provided the sport with a few more headlines as the leading players gear up for a major meeting at the end of the month to have a rethink about the way the sport presents itself in the modern world.

There are any number of arguments as to why the idea put forward by Mosley is not going to happen, not least because the teams are never going to agree to it - and that is essential if there is to be any change.

Mosley's attitude appears to be to throw out ideas and see what comes back when the Formula 1 Commission meets in London. This serves two purposes: it gets people thinking and it gives the impression that the international automobile federation is looking for solutions and that the teams are the ones blocking progress.