Let's get back to racing...

The last week has been filled with claims and counter-claims about tires. One side has said this, the other side has said that and very few fans really care one way or the other why it has all happened.

The last week has been filled with claims and counter-claims about tires. One side has said this, the other side has said that and very few fans really care one way or the other why it has all happened. They want to see racing and not attempts to change the rules or to throw mud at the opposition. The issue of whether or not the tire regulations have been changed will be addressed at a meeting today in England after which everyone will know where they stand.

The important thing for Formula 1 is that the general public do not look at what has been going on and conclude that things rules are being changed to help one team or another. This is what people think but the reality is that there is no motivation at all to help Ferrari because the worst thing that could happen for the sport at the moment is another Ferrari World Championship...