JULY 27, 2002

Jordan and Toyota

When there is a lot of talk in Formula 1 more often than not that means that the stories are a smokescreen for other negotiations.

When there is a lot of talk in Formula 1 more often than not that means that the stories are a smokescreen for other negotiations and at Hockenheim there was much talk of a deal between Jordan Grand Prix and Toyota. This is likely to mean that the team is actually in the process of trying to negotiate some form of deal with Toyota's rival Honda. Honda is not saying what it is planning next year but for some months there have been rumors that the arrangement with Jordan is coming to an end. The options are to look elsewhere for a deal or to go into a new kind of relationship with Honda - or to put it another way, to pay. Honda does not wish to be seen to be putting Jordan into difficulties and Mugen, a company close to Honda, would happily step back into F1 to look after Honda engines if given the opportunity to do so. The option is for Jordan to do a deal with Ford for a supply of Cosworth V10s. The best option for Jordan would be a deal which would keep down the necessary redesign for next season - which would mean retaining the same engines.