MAY 4, 1998
X Wings are banned!
The logic behind the argument is that these might break off in an accident and could cause injury. The same, of course, can be said for most of the onboard cameras indeed one of these fell off Jean Alesi's Ferrari at Monza in 1995 and demolished the front suspension of Gerhard Berger's similar car which was close behind. Berger was unable to steer and went off into a sandtrap.
Onboard cameras have not been banned and one can only assume that the real reason for banning X wings is that they are ugly and add nothing to the spectacle of Grand Prix racing. Most of the frontrunning F1 teams have not used X wings in races as they do not produce enough of a gain but they have been used to good effect by Ferrari and Jordan.
The FIA has the right to ban whatever it chooses if it is done on the grounds of safety.